Our 2022 Impact


Record 2022 midterm contributions through GiveGreen paved the way for a greener, more just future.

State & Local Wins

  • Governors

  • Attorneys General

  • Secretaries of State

  • State Legislatures

  • New climate champion Governor elected

    You helped elect new pro-environment governors to Arizona, Pennsylvania, Oregon and more states

  • Priority incumbent Governor re-elected

    Together, donors raised more than $250,000 per race to re-elect gubernatorial candidates in Michigan, New Mexico, and Wisconsin

  • Priority losses

    Despite losing tough races in Nevada, Texas, and Ohio, GiveGreen donors sent a strong message that climate action

  • $10 M Collectively raised for state and local races
  • 9 State & local events hosted by you
  • 56 State legislators elected
  • 75% Win rate achieved in state legislative races
  • Attorneys General Elected

    These Attorneys General will enforce environmental regulations, push back against utility rate hikes, and pursue legal action against corporate polluters.

  • $10M Collectively raised for state races
  • 9 State & local events hosted by you
  • 56 State legislators elected
  • 75% Win rate achieved in state legislative races
  • Secretaries of State

    Newly elected Secretaries of State will impact state-level democracy and voting rights issues, as well as how votes are cast and counted in the 2024 presidential election.

  • $10M Collectively raised for state races
  • 9 State & local events hosted by you
  • 56 State legislators elected
  • 75% Win rate achieved in state legislative races
  • State legislative flips

    You helped to establish new pro-climate majorities in state legislative chambers in Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.

  • $10M Collectively raised for state and local races
  • 9 State & local events hosted by you
  • 56 State legislators elected
  • 75% Win rate achieved in state legislative races

    Key Outcome


    $500 million investment in clean energy, energy security, and environmental justice

    In 2018, GiveGreen donors helped elect a pro-climate Governor, flipped the State Senate, and protected the majority in the State House. 

    The state legislature passed legislation to reduce carbon emission 90% from 2005 levels by 2050. In 2022, Colorado created a $500M Just Transition Fund for clean water, clean air, green jobs, and electric school buses, plus set new financial standards for oil and gas companies.

    In 2023, Colorado became the second state in the country to eliminate certain gas subsidies and expand some of the best tax incentives in the country for electric vehicles, bikes, and non-fossil fuel home heating.

    The legislature also expanded fare-free public transit during the summer ozone season as well as updated the state’s climate pollution reduction targets, including a 100% carbon emissions reduction by 2050 from 2005 levels. 

    $500 Million investment in clean energy, energy security, and environmental justice

    Key Outcome


    100% clean energy commitment by 2035

    GiveGreen donors helped elect Governor Wes Moore in 2022, who released an ambitious climate plan committed to 100% clean energy by 2035. 

    Moore signed into effect the POWER Act, which looks to more-than-quadruple the state’s offshore wind capacity, from its current 2 gigawatts to 8.5 gigawatts, enough energy to power 3 million homes, by 2031. 

    Additionally, Moore issued an executive order to phase out the production of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and has put in place requirements for bus and truck manufacturers to have a certain annual percentage of vehicles produced be zero-emissions, starting in model year 2027.

    Key Outcome


    State utilities will shift to 100% clean energy sources by 2040

    In 2022, GiveGreen donors helped re-elect Governor Gretchin Whitmer and flipped the state legislature to a pro-climate majority. 

    In December 2023, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed the Michigan Clean Energy Future and Clean Energy and Jobs Act into law. The bills will improve Michigan’s clean energy requirements and mandate that state utilities shift to 100% clean energy sources by 2040.

    In addition to being a critical step toward tackling the climate crisis, Michigan’s clean energy package will create good paying clean energy jobs, lower costs, and work to invest in communities, while making Michigan a national leader in energy efficiency and clean energy.


    Key Outcome


    100% commitment to clean energy by 2040

    In Maine, GiveGreen donors helped elect Governor Janet Mills, who signed legislation to meet 80% clean energy by 2030 (and 100% by 2050) and reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80% from 2005 levels by 2050. 

    In 2023, Mills announced plans accelerating Maine’s commitment to reaching 100% Clean Energy by a decade sooner – by 2040. 

    In July of 2023, the state legislature passed a bill that will responsibly develop offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine and encourage new deepwater port construction. The bill ensures good-paying jobs for Maine workers and protections for wildlife by protecting important fishing grounds, fostering broad stakeholder engagement, and creating inclusive community benefits.

    Key Outcome


    $2 billion climate budget bill passed

    In 2023, after GiveGreen donors helped reelect Governor Walz, flip the State Senate, and protect the majority in the State House, Minnesota lawmakers passed a bill requiring the state to have 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040.

    In pursuit of this goal, Minnesota also passed a “historic” $2 billion climate budget bill that establishes the toughest PFAS regulations in the country, addresses environmental justice concerns, and includes bold initiatives to decarbonize the state. 

    The bill also establishes a financial authority to provide financing to green energy projects, and sets aside money for protecting and restoring natural resources and ecosystems.

    Key Outcome

    New Jersey

    100% commitment to clean energy by 2035

    Governor Phil Murphy, a GiveGreen champion, announced that New Jersey accelerated their 100% clean energy timeline from 2050 to 2035. 

    Murphy signed this goal into effect as part of his “Next New Jersey” initiative, which also introduces a target for installing zero-carbon emission heating and cooling systems in 400,000 homes and 20,000 commercial properties. The initiative will also prep 10% of low-to-moderate (LMI) income housing for future electrification by 2030. 

    Additionally, New Jersey adopted nation-leading environmental justice regulations that establish greater community engagement and require the state to take environmental justice considerations into account during the permitting process for polluting facilities.

    Key Outcome

    New York

    Zero-emission infrastructure transition

    In 2022, GiveGreen donors helped elect Governor Kathy Hochul to a full term. Thanks in part to her leadership, New York was the first state to pass a law transitioning to zero-emission infrastructure and away from fossil fuels for newly constructed buildings.

    The state law mandates the use of zero-emission stoves, furnaces, and heating in all new construction under seven stories by 2026, and from buildings seven stories and taller by 2029. 

    Key Outcome

    North Carolina

    Executive order for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions

    In 2022, Governor Roy Cooper—reelected in 2020 with help from GiveGreen donors despite being a top Republican target—issued an executive order to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic opportunities for underserved communities. 

    With a new anti-climate Republican supermajority in the state legislature, Governor Cooper’s leadership is more vital than ever for North Carolina’s environment and communities.

    Key Outcome


    $500 million to $1 billion raised to support communities experiencing the worst effects of pollution

    GiveGreen donors helped flip the Washington State Senate in 2017, giving one of our country’s greenest governors and GiveGreen alum Jay Inslee a pro-climate legislature to work with. 

    They passed a commitment to transition Washington to 100 percent clean and renewable electricity by 2045. In 2022, Washington passed a green transportation package to fund public transit and electric vehicle infrastructure. 

    Alongside Governor Inslee, the state legislature allocated funding from the state’s new cap and invest program, passed in 2021. Lawmakers ensured funds went to projects in communities experiencing the worst pollution and those who have been historically left behind. 

    The law is expected to generate $500 million to $1 billion, paid for with credits from the state’s largest polluters. GiveGreen alums also expanded access to the ballot and voting rights.

    Key Outcome


    Executive order creating a commission to advise on the creation of Wisconsin’s new Green Innovation Fund

    In 2023, GiveGreen candidate Governor Tony Evers signed an executive order creating a commission to advise on the creation of Wisconsin’s new Green Innovation Fund. 

    The Green Innovation Fund will invest both public and private funds in projects that reduce pollution, lower energy costs, expand access to clean, affordable energy, and provide environmental and clean energy solutions to businesses. 

    In 2022, Evers released ambitious climate plans to reach science-based pollution reduction targets for the state, including provisions to ensure low-income communities of color benefit in the clean energy transition.

    GiveGreen donors also helped elect Justice Janet Protasiewicz to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, flipping the court to a progressive majority, a huge future win for our democracy and environment.

Election Cycle Highlights

  • 2022 Governor's Races Defied Expectations

    12 of the 18 candidates supported by GiveGreen donors won their races, including seven incumbents and five newly elected climate champions.

    "Thanks to the support of GiveGreen donors, the environmental community's support helped secure my re-election in 2022. I am thankful for your partnership and look forward to continuing our work to address climate change and environmental justice in Wisconsin." - Governor Tony Evers (WI)

  • Healthy democracy, healthy future

    The health of our democracy is inextricably linked to shaping a healthier, greener future for all people – and our planet.

    You helped elect secretaries of state and attorneys general committed to voting rights and election integrity in key states that could be decisive in the 2024 presidential election. 

    These leaders will play key roles in protecting and strengthening democracy, enforcing climate policy, and advancing environmental justice. 

  • Big win rates shape state legislatures for the future

    Across state legislatures, 75% of the candidates GiveGreen donors supported won their races. Critical wins include establishing new pro-climate majorities in state legislative chambers in Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. 

    Michigan and Minnesota, along with Maryland and Massachusetts, will now have new pro-environment, pro-democracy trifectas – governor, state senate, and state house. 

    You also helped prevent an anti-environment supermajority in Wisconsin, which would have allowed pro-polluter allies to override vetoes from the pro-climate governor.