Governor, WA

Bob Ferguson


  • Current Attorney General of Washington 
  • Will hold polluters and other special interests accountable 
  • Advocate for protecting endangered species 

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  • Open seat previously held by Governor Jay Inslee 
  • Keeping this Governor seat under pro-environment leadership will help maintain Washington’s role as a key national climate leader 


Bob Ferguson is running for Governor of Washington. Bob is a fourth-generation Washingtonian and has lived and worked on both sides of the mountains, starting his legal career in Spokane. As Attorney General, Bob takes on the toughest fights on behalf of all Washingtonians against powerful interests – and wins. He’s been steadfast in standing up to powerful interests and polluters, achieving big victories for Washington families and protecting the state’s beautiful and unique environment.

As Attorney General, Bob created the Environmental Protection Division. He won more than fifty convictions for crimes against the environment. Bob was the first attorney general to take on Monsanto Corporation for polluting waterways with PCBs, and won a major legal victory resulting in Monsanto paying nearly $100 million. He successfully sued the federal government to force a speedier clean-up of the Hanford nuclear facility. He won multiple lawsuits against the Trump Administration to protect critical Obama-era climate change protections. He blocked Trump’s illegal attempt to gut the Endangered Species Act. On the final day of Trump’s presidency, Bob defeated and permanently blocked Trump’s “Dirty Power Plan.”

This candidate profile page is paid for by Friends of Bob Ferguson.