US House, VA-10

Suhas Subramanyam


  • Has advocated for environmental justice to be a core purpose of the Department of Environmental Quality in Virginia
  • Advocate for conserving open spaces
  • Championed establishing a low- and zero-emissions vehicles program
  • Endorsed by LCV Action Fund


  • Current Virginia State Senator
  • Open seat previously held by Rep. Jennifer Wexton
  • Keeping this seat under pro-environment leadership will help win a pro-environmental majority in the House, making it easier to pass climate legislation at the federal level


Suhas Subramanyam is running to represent Virginia’s 10th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Suhas has since worked tirelessly to improve the health and prosperity of all Virginians and Americans. After earning his law degree with honors at Northwestern University, Suhas served as a White House technology policy advisor to President Obama. During his time in the Obama Administration, Suhas tackled some of the most challenging issues facing our nation, including addressing cybersecurity threats and modernizing government agencies so that they were better equipped to serve the needs of the American people.

After leaving the White House, Suhas won a competitive four-way primary for the Virginia General Assembly. He immediately got to work in the General Assembly, earning a perfect 100% score from Virginia LCV. One of his first bills in the Legislature set out to limit Dominion’s power to build more natural gas plants, and he has been at the forefront of reigning in data center development to help conserve our open spaces in the district. Subramanyam has been the chief sponsor or chief co-sponsor of several bills that specifically address environmental justice, climate, and democracy issues, including bills on net metering, banning PFAS, establishing a low- and zero-emissions vehicles program, requiring environmental justice to be a core purpose of the Department of Environmental Quality, and more.

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.