US Senate, MI

Gary Peters


  • Leading the charge to clean up byproducts of oil sands that have accumulated along the Detroit River, and sponsoring legislation to prevent further growth of invasive species like Asian carp
  • Voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant action Congress has ever taken to address climate change
  • Earned an impressive 94% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard


  • Peters won the competitive Michigan Senate race in 2020 by less than 2 points
  • Contributing to this race now will help Peters build his campaign warchest early, which will undoubtedly be another competitive race in 2026
  • Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Chair of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee



Gary Peters is serving his second term representing Michigan in the U.S. Senate. Born and raised in Michigan, Peters sees that the challenges of climate change offer Michigan new opportunities to create jobs through the development of wind, solar, and other renewable technologies. Peters is leading legislation to spur development of wind farms in the Great Lakes, and has helped reinvigorate the auto industry and reduce its carbon footprint by fighting to pass and protect loan programs for technologically advanced vehicles. 

Peters is also fighting to protect Michigan’s environment, by leading the charge to clean up byproducts of oil sands that have accumulated along the Detroit River, and sponsoring legislation to prevent further growth of invasive species like Asian carp. He’s also helping to secure funding to expand Head Start for communities affected by lead water pollution and is a leader on cleaning up toxic PFAS chemicals, which have contaminated drinking water across Michigan. Peters helped convene the Senate’s first-ever hearing on PFAS. He was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 after defeating Dirty Dozen member Rep. Joe Knollenberg, and has earned a 94% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard

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