Clean Energy for Biden NorCal & Cleantech Party Grassroots Fundraiser for Joe Biden with Climate Tech Founders

Wednesday, August 12, 6:00 PM PT

Co-Hosts (in formation): Ravi Mikkelson, Zoe Elizabeth, Veery Maxwell, Matt Miller, Justine Burt, Brian Goncher, Steve Wheat, Nathan Wyeth, Alicia Seiger, Elizabeth Shope, Aimee Barnes, Rafael Reyes, Joe Weidman, Rusty Heffner, Nora Hennings, Dan Kalafatas, Libby Wayman 
Join the Clean Energy for Biden's NorCal chapter and the Cleantech Party for an exciting grassroots fundraiser and virtual discussion of how the Biden Administration's $2 trillion climate and clean energy plan can expand upon past policy efforts and grow climate tech faster than ever before.  Funds raised will go directly to powering the Joe Biden campaign to victory in November.
Dawn Lippert, CEO of Elemental Excelerator, will interview climate tech founders in a conversation regarding policy opportunities to support innovation and clean jobs in a Biden Administration:
Leila Madrone, CTO and founder, SunFolding
Gia Schneider, CEO and founder, Natel Energy
Ryan Popple, Co-founder and Executive Director, Proterra
 Titles and affiliation for identification purposes only  

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Featured candidates

  • President

    Kamala Harris


CL4BInstructions to join the gathering will be shared with you 1-2 days prior to the call.

For questions please contact Nathan Wyeth at


Instructions to join the gathering will be shared with you 1-2 days prior to the call.